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苗苗黑板报 2020-06-29 14:22:01

1.         【水果谜语大全及答案】:粉脸红唇模样美, 偏偏是个大歪嘴。 (打一水果)【谜底】:桃子

1. [fruit riddles and answers]: pink face and red lips look beautiful, but it is a big crooked mouth. (beat a fruit) [mystery]: Peaches

2.         【水果谜语大全及答案】:弯弯儿不是镰刀, 翘翘儿不是牛角, 一旦抓它在手, 撕开脸皮就咬。 (打一水果)【谜底】:香蕉

2. [fruit riddles and answers]: crooked children are not sickles, and warped ones are not horns of oxen. Once you hold them in your hands, you will bite them if you tear your face. A banana

3.         【水果谜语大全及答案】:远看玛瑙紫溜溜, 近看珍珠圆溜溜, 掐它一把水溜溜, 咬它一口酸溜溜。 (打一水果)【谜底】:葡萄

3. [complete collection of fruit riddles and answers]: if you look at the agate from a distance, you can see that the pearl is round and round, pinch it and bite it sour. (beat a fruit) [mystery]: Grape

4.         【水果谜语大全及答案】:弯弯的月儿小小的船,小小的船儿两头尖. 【谜底】:(香蕉)


5.         【水果谜语大全及答案】:草地上来了一只羊。 【谜底】:草莓(谐音草没)

There is a sheep on the grass. Answer: Strawberry

6.         【水果谜语大全及答案】:看看圆,摸摸麻, 包着一肚小月牙。 (打一水果)【谜底】:桔子

6. [fruit riddles and answers]: look at the circle, feel the hemp, wrapped in a belly of small crescent. (beat a fruit) orange

7.         【水果谜语大全及答案】:绿盖红缸, 里头装满蜜浆。 (打一水果)【谜底】:杮子

7. [fruit riddles and answers]: the red jar with green lid is filled with honey syrup. (beating a fruit)

8.         【水果谜语大全及答案】:小时绷着青脸皮, 老来皱起红脸皮, 生的熟吃惹人笑, 熟的生吃不希奇。 (打一水果)【谜底】:枣

8. [fruit riddles and answers]: when you are young, you have a blue face, when you are old, you will wrinkle your red face. If you eat raw food, you will laugh, but if you eat it raw, it is not surprising. (beat a fruit)

9.         【水果谜语大全及答案】:远看红脸好相貌, 近看一脸红疙瘩, 虽说样儿小又小, 为人解渴本领大。 (打一水果)【谜底】:杨梅

9. [fruit riddles and answers]: looking at a red face from a distance is a good appearance, but a red pimple looks like a pimple. Although it is small and small, it has great ability to quench thirst. (beat a fruit) [answer]: Bayberry

10.     【水果谜语大全及答案】:皱肉皱骨头, 骨头生在肉外头。 (打一水果)【谜底】:核桃

The answer to the question of whole bone and meat. (beat a fruit) [mystery]: Walnut

11.     【水果谜语大全及答案】:小龙船,龙船小, 龙船尖尖两头翘, 水里飘了一秋天, 装来一颗白元宝。 (打一水果)【谜底】:菱角

11. [fruit riddles and answers]: small dragon boat, small dragon boat, the sharp point of the dragon boat is tilted at both ends. It has been a fall in the water, and a white treasure is packed. Water chestnut

12.     【水果谜语大全及答案】:小小坛子, 装满饺子, 吃掉饺子, 吐出珠子。 【谜底】:(橘子)

12. [fruit riddles and answers]: a small jar, full of dumplings, eat dumplings, spit out beads. [answer]: (Orange)

13.     【水果谜语大全及答案】:几个兄弟一个样, 弯弯身子软心肠。 看看个个像弯月, 吃在嘴里甜又香。 【谜底】:(香蕉)

13. [fruit riddles and answers]: like several brothers, they bend over and soften their hearts. It looks like a crescent moon. It's sweet and fragrant to eat in your mouth. [mystery]: (banana)

14.     【水果谜语大全及答案】:红红脸 圆又圆, 亲一口, 脆又甜。 【谜底】:(苹果)

14. [fruit riddles and answers]: red face, round and round, kiss, crisp and sweet. [mystery]: (Apple)

15.     【水果谜语大全及答案】:衣服有绿又有红, 味道酸酸又甜甜 多多和它做朋友, 小脸红红人人爱。 【谜底】:(苹果)

15. [fruit riddles and answers]: clothes are green and red. They taste sour and sweet. They are friends with them. They are red and red. Everyone loves them. (Apple)

16.     【水果谜语大全及答案】:身穿黄衣裳, 弯弯像月亮 兄弟排一起, 个个甜蜜蜜。 【谜底】:(香蕉)

16. [fruit riddles and answers]: wearing yellow clothes, bending like the moon brothers, all sweet honey. [mystery]: (banana)

17.     【水果谜语大全及答案】:黄外衣, 点黑豆, 尝一只, 甜水流。 【谜底】:(梨)

17. [fruit riddles and answers]: yellow coat, black beans, taste one, sweet water. [riddle]: (pear)

18.     【水果谜语大全及答案】:身穿红衣颜色美, 龇牙开口又咧嘴, 肚里珍珠数不清, 粒粒珍珠甜蜜蜜。 【谜底】:(石榴)

18. [fruit riddle and answer]: wearing red clothes, beautiful color, bared teeth, open mouth and grin, countless pearls in the belly, and sweet honey. (pomegranate)