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造句笑话摘抄 搞笑段子

苗苗黑板报 2020-05-21 11:09:25

1. 我的学生用“...比..还..”造句: 我奶奶很凶,比狗还凶!

1. My students use "... More than..." to make a sentence: my grandma is fierce, more fierce than a dog!

2. 用擦汗造句,小孩的造句令人汗颜:我擦汗马功劳被人抢了...

造句笑话摘抄 搞笑段子

2. Make sentences by wiping sweat. Children's sentences make people blush: I've been robbed of my hard work

3. 外甥十岁,上小学三年级。某日做家庭作业,需用“一会儿。。。一会儿”造句。外甥想了想,造了个句子:我上课的时候一会儿打磕睡,一会儿玩玩具。

3. My nephew is ten years old and in the third grade of primary school. One day, when doing homework, you need "a moment... For a moment. My nephew thought about it and made a sentence: when I was in class, I fell asleep and played with toys.

4. 语文课时,老师让同学用新学的成语“愁眉苦脸”和“笑逐颜开”造一个句子。豆豆抢答道:“每个月发工资时,爸爸愁眉苦脸地把钱交给妈妈,妈妈笑逐颜开。”

4. In Chinese class, the teacher asked the students to make a sentence with the new idioms "frown" and "smile to the face". "Doudou replied:" every month when the salary is paid, the father gives the money to the mother with a sad face, and the mother smiles

5. 小琴今天的语文作业是用“夜深了,妈妈还在……爸爸还在……”的句式造句,她在作业本上写道:“夜深了,妈妈还在打麻将,爸爸还在上网。”

5. Xiaoqin's Chinese homework today is "it's late at night, my mother is still here Dad's still here She wrote in her homework: "it's late at night, mom is still playing mahjong, dad is still on the Internet."

爸爸检查作业后,说:“写作的事要源于生活而高于生活,不能这么平实地描述家里的情况。” 小琴听了用力点点头,于是认真地把原文改成:“夜深了,妈妈还在辛勤的赌博,爸爸还在刻苦的网恋。”

After checking his homework, dad said, "the writing should come from life and be higher than life. It can't describe the situation at home so smoothly." Xiaoqin nodded her head hard, and changed the original text into: "it's late at night, my mother is still gambling hard, and my father is still in hard love on the Internet."

6. 用不但,而且造句,儿子的造句还是令我挺心疼的:我考砸了,不仅刺激了我的眼睛,而且刺伤了我的嘴巴,我不想吃饭!

6. Not only with, but also with, my son's sentence making still makes me very sad: I failed the exam, not only stimulated my eyes, but also hurt my mouth, I don't want to eat!

7. 小朋友的造句令人怕怕的:我如果废寝忘食、日日夜夜地读书,那么我宁愿去死!

7. Children's sentence making is frightening: if I forget to eat and sleep and study day and night, then I would rather die!

8. 语文老师布置学生用“不仅…而且…”造句。小朋友:我爸爸爱养花,不仅养了兰花,而且养了校花。

8. The Chinese teacher arranges students to use "not only And Make sentences. Little friend: my father loves to raise flowers. He not only raises orchids, but also school flowers.