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苗苗黑板报 2020-06-10 09:42:28

月份学 习 内 容主讲人参加人员1学习习近平总书记系列讲话精神、《习近平谈治国理政》、《习近平关于党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争论述摘编》钱XX全体成员2学习习近平总书记在十八届中央纪委六次全会上发表的重要讲话精神;学习《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》和《中国共产党纪律处分条例》袁XX全体成员3学习《全面小康热点面对面》和精准扶贫相关政策赵XX全体成员4学习社会救助相关政策杨XX全体成员5党风廉政建设专题学习;开展道德讲堂袁XX全体成员6学习防汛抗洪抢险救灾工作手册李XX全体成员7学习民政部、省民政厅、州民政局有关会议精神;分析工作形势,研究工作措施钱XX全体成员8换届选举纪律学习罗XX全体成员9学习民政法律法规;开展道德讲堂钱XX全体成员10学习《党章》、《中国共产党发展党员工作细则》;开展道德讲堂李XX全体成员11学习习近平总书记系列重要讲话赵XX全体成员12研讨2017年全市民政工作新思路钱XX全体成员。


Within the month of study The 1 speakers were invited to attend the seminar, and the general secretary Xi Jinping's speech, Xi Jinping's discussion on governing the country, Xi Jinping's Expositions on the construction of Party style and clean government and anti-corruption struggle, 2 members of Qian XX, 2, studied the spirit of the speech delivered by Xi Jinping general secretary at the six plenary session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and studied the CPC's guidelines for honesty and self-discipline and the Communist Party of China China. Regulations on disciplinary action: all members of Yuan XX 3 study "face to face hot spots of well-off society in all respects" and relevant policies of targeted poverty alleviation; all members of Zhao XX 4 study relevant policies of social assistance; all members of Yang XX 5 study the construction of party conduct and clean government; all members of Yuan XX 6 study the work manual of flood control, flood fighting and rescue; all members of Li XX 7 study the work manual of the Ministry of civil affairs, the Provincial Department of civil affairs and the State Civil Affairs Bureau Analysis of the work situation, research work measures, money XX all members 8 election, discipline learning Luo XX 9 members of the whole school to learn civil laws and regulations; conduct moral lecture hall XX 10 members of the whole party to learn the party constitution, China Communist Party members' work rules, open the moral lecture hall, Li XX, all members 11, learn general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, Zhao XX, all members 12 Discuss all members of Qian XX, a new idea of civil affairs in 2017.