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生活琐事心情记录 一只苍蝇

苗苗黑板报 2020-05-26 10:47:51

At first, I was very happy to watch TV, and my sister came together. Suddenly, my mood became very bad [because I often had conflicts with her], and the happiness brought by TV disappeared. At this time, a fly flew over, and I reached out to hit it. But who would think, one slap hit my sister's face, and she started to cry, "whine and whine" so that I didn't know what to do. My mother was cooking in the kitchen, and when she heard the cry of the earth shaking, weeping ghosts and gods, she immediately shouted, "what's the matter with the old girl, is your brother bullying you, and how to cry?"本来很惬意地看着电视,妹妹也凑过来一起,心情顿时变得很不好【因为经常和她发生矛盾】,原本电视带来的快乐一扫而空。这时一只苍蝇飞了过来,我伸手便去打它,可谁想,一巴掌打在了妹妹的脸上,她就“呜呜呜呜”大哭起来,弄得我不知如何是好,妈妈正在厨房做饭,听见这惊天地、泣鬼神的哭声就立马大喊:“老闺女怎么啦,是不是你哥欺负你了,怎么哭上了。”

生活琐事心情记录 一只苍蝇


When I heard it, I shouted, "no, it's not that I pat the flies. Once I accidentally pat my little sister on the face, she cried directly. It's too funny. Girls are crying a lot. They love crying!" my mother said, "OK, stop crying. I'm going now, and the food will be pasted. Wait, old lady. "After a while, my mother told me to eat. I glanced at my sister and cried?! I couldn't help it. I couldn't coax the girl or care for her. So I went to eat. My mother scolded me for a few words and coaxed my sister. But she cried harder and harder, and I shouted, "don't coax her, she's brushing the sense of existence, coaxing her to cry more and more."


Mom didn't listen at all and coaxed her. After her mother's persuasion, she finally came to eat. When she saw me, she gave me a xiamawei: "I won't eat with him!" when I heard it, I immediately threw my chopsticks away and shouted, "who wants to eat like you!" then she returned to the room with her homework and an ice stick


Ah, two brothers and sisters fight, that's all. It's comparable to a big event in history. Pathetic! Pathetic!