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苗苗黑板报 2020-07-09 15:56:46

1、 烧卖里碧绿的颜色,透出蒸熟后薄如纸的面皮,犹如翡翠一般。轻轻地咬上一口,皮一点便破,吃到里面由虾仁韭菜和鸡蛋制成菜茸,爽口清润。吃下去后嘴里还充满虾仁的香味,真可谓齿颊留香。

1. The green color in the shao'ai is as thin as paper after steaming, just like emerald. Gently bite on a bit, the skin will be broken, eat the inside by shrimp, leek and eggs made of minced vegetables, refreshing and moist. After eating, the mouth is still full of shrimp flavor, which can be described as the tooth cheek fragrance.


2、 净洗铛,少着水,柴头罨烟焰不起。待他自熟莫催他,火候足时他自美。黄州好猪肉,价贱如泥土。富者不肯吃,贫者不解煮。早晨起来打两碗,饱得自家君莫管。

2. Clean wash Dang, less water, firewood head smoke can not rise. Don't urge him when he is familiar with himself. When the fire is enough, he will be beautiful. Huangzhou good pork, cheap as earth. The rich will not eat, but the poor will not cook. Get up in the morning to play two bowls, full of their own Jun Mo tube.

3、 灌汤小笼包的皮是薄薄的,甚至都透亮了,张嘴咬一口,里面鲜美的汁水流入口中,咬那浸了汁水的肉团,不肥不腻,入口爽滑……那真叫美!

3. The skin of the soup dumpling is thin and even transparent. Open your mouth and take a bite. In the mouth, the delicious juice flows into the mouth, biting the meat ball soaked with juice. It is not fat or greasy, and the entrance is smooth That's beautiful!

4、 粽子用绿色的芦叶包着纯白的糯米和红色的枣子,煮熟后,剥开芦叶,只见米团里仿佛嵌着几颗深红油亮的玛瑙,很好看。

4. Zongzi is wrapped in green reed leaves with pure white glutinous rice and red jujube. After being cooked, the reed leaves are peeled off, and the rice ball seems to be inlaid with several dark red and bright agate, which is very beautiful.

5、 烤红薯焦糊糊的,周身满是草灰,嗅一嗅,香喷的气味马上会进入你的五脏六腑,令你"口水直流三千尺"。

5. The roasted sweet potato is burnt and covered with grass ash. If you smell it, the smell will enter your internal organs and make your mouth water three thousand feet.

6、 饔子左右挥双刀,脍飞金盘白雪高。徐州秃尾不足忆,汉阴槎头远遁逃。鲂鱼肥美知第一,既饱欢娱亦萧瑟。

6. A pair of swords are wielded from the left and right sides of the koizi, and the white snow is high on the golden plate. Xuzhou bald tail lack of memory, Han Yin Cha head far escape. Megalobrama is known as the first fat fish, both full of entertainment and bleak.

7、 紫驼之峰出翠釜,水精之盘行素鳞;犀箸餍饫久未下,鸾刀缕切空纷纶;黄门飞鞚不动尘,御厨络绎送八珍。

7. The purple camel's peak comes out of the green cauldron, and the water essence's plate line of plain scales; the rhinoceros sheath has not been set down for a long time, and the Luan knife thread has cut into many fibers; Huangmen flying stick does not move the dust, and the imperial kitchen sends a stream of eight treasures.