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连枝带叶造句 造句大全

苗苗黑板报 2020-06-30 15:48:19
  1. 月夜的竹影,连枝带叶,远看像一群披头散发的野鬼,近看却是一只只软垂的手,女人的手,死去的女人。


1. The bamboo shadow on a moonlit night, with branches and leaves, looks like a group of wild ghosts with dishevelled hair from a distance, but it is a soft hand, a woman's hand, a dead woman. Li Bihua

2. 华老爷子连枝带叶将手中的雪莲丢进炉子里,转过脸来对我说道。

2. Mr. Hua threw the snow lotus in his hand into the stove, turned his face and said to me.

3. 地一声响,已是连枝带叶将那凌霄果硬生生扯了下来!得手!“吼!!!”。

3. The sound of the ground has already pulled the Lingxiao fruit down with branches and leaves. It's a success! Roar.

4. 借着灯光,映入项自链眼里的是一棵连枝带叶被台风削光的广玉兰,危怵怵地筛抖着。

4. By the light, Xiang Zilian's eyes are reflected in a Magnolia grandiflora with branches and leaves cut by typhoon, shaking with fear.

5. 这些树连枝带叶的最不容易躲闪,但如果躲闪不及,就会被众多的树埋在地里。

5. The trees with branches and leaves are the most difficult to dodge, but if they can't dodge, they will be buried in the ground by many trees.

6. 不过,新的问题又来了,一株十几米长的柏杨树连枝带叶有上千斤的重量,以他一人之力,根本拖不动,更别说连接起来了。

6. However, a new problem comes again. A poplar tree more than ten meters long, with branches and leaves, weighs more than a thousand jin. With his own strength, it can't be dragged, let alone connected.

7. 然后又在周围的树林里弄了一大捆连枝带叶的树枝,堆放在一起备用。www。zaojv。com

7. Then I made a large bundle of leafy branches in the surrounding woods and stacked them together for standby. www。 zaojv。 COM

8. 就在他们刚刚离开的地方,随着嘎吱一声怪响,一截半人粗的树木连枝带叶轰隆一声落了地,泥地上被砸出一个大坑。

8. Just where they had just left, with a strange creaking sound, a half human thick tree fell to the ground with branches and leaves, and a big hole was smashed on the mud ground.

9. 不过他的爪子是派不上用场了,只能找了几棵嫩叶比较多的树,直接连枝带叶地一口咬断下来。

9. But his claws were useless. He could only find a few trees with more tender leaves and bite them off with branches and leaves.

10. 除开雷音寺的和尚外,几丈外的一棵虬松上,还有个人更为急煞,只看她热泪盈眶,粉脸色变的样儿,慌急的连枝带叶都为之颤动。

10. In addition to the monks who opened Leiyin temple, there was a man who was more anxious than ever, just seeing her tears in her eyes and her pink face turning pale. She was so anxious that she trembled with her branches and leaves.