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各尽所能造句 造句大全

苗苗黑板报 2020-06-30 15:55:39

1 我们每一个人,要各尽所能,而又各取所需。

Each of us should do what we can and what we need.

各尽所能造句 造句大全

2 老师要求同学们各尽所能,上街为群众做好事。

The teacher asked the students to do their best to do good for the masses.

3 知人善任,大多数人都会有部分的长处,部分的短处,各尽所能,各得所需,以量才而用为原则。

3. To know people well, most people will have some advantages and some disadvantages. Each should do his best and get what he needs. The principle is to use his talents according to his ability.

4 同学们在老师的带领下,各得其所,各尽所能地为班级做出自己的奉献。

Under the guidance of the teacher, the students are in their proper place and do their best to contribute to the class.

5 和谐社会是人民各尽所能、各得其所又和谐的社会。

A harmonious society is a harmonious society in which the people do their best and get what they want.

6 这个集体要求它的成员,各尽所能,各得其所。

The collective demands that its members do their best and get what they deserve.

7 班主任很善于发扬每个同学的长处,大家各得其所,各尽所能地为班级作出自己的贡献。

The head teacher is very good at carrying forward the strengths of each student. Each of us has his own merits and does his best to make his own contribution to the class.

8 只要合作博弈得以实现,企业乃至整个社会就能形成各尽所能、各得其所、和谐相处的局面。

As long as the cooperative game can be realized, enterprises and even the whole society will be able to form a situation in which each can do his best, get his own place and get along harmoniously.

9 各尽所能,按劳分配,是社会主义社会的分配原则。

The principle of distribution in socialist society is to do what one can and distribute according to his work.

10 各尽所能,各得其所,胆识决定命运!

Every man does his best and gets his place. Courage decides his fate!

11 小年到来打扫忙,全家老少齐动员。各尽所能去做事,换来干干净净家模样。贴窗花,祭灶王,身体劳累心欢畅。赶快准备买年货,快快乐乐过大年。祝你小年乐逍遥,美满生活幸福长!

With the arrival of the 11th lunar new year, the whole family, old and young, mobilized. Each does his best to do things in exchange for a clean house. Paste window, sacrifice stove king, body tired, happy heart. Get ready to buy new year's goods and have a happy new year. I wish you happy childhood, happy life, happy long!

12 共产主义社会的分配原则是“各尽所能”,“按需分配”.

The principle of distribution in Communist society is "each according to his ability" and "according to his needs"

13 社会主义的分配原则是“各尽所能”,“按劳分配”.

The socialist distribution principle is "each according to his ability" and "according to his work"

14 因为物质极大丰富,才能实现各尽所能、按需分配的共产主义原则。

Only when the material is extremely rich can we realize the Communist principle of "each according to his ability and according to his needs".