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苗苗黑板报 2020-07-20 14:37:13

1. When the cold wind blows, I send my blessing to you: it's easy to catch cold in the cold, so you should keep warm when you wear more clothes; when you go out early and return late, the temperature difference is big, so you should add clothes appropriately; if you go to bed early and get up early, you will have a good health, and everything will go well and make your family happy. I wish you happiness!
2. When the heavy snow comes, I will accompany you to write "auspicious snow indicates a bumper year", I will accompany you to watch "snow mountain flying fox", I will accompany you to tell "a romantic story", and I will accompany you to listen to "all the snowflakes are my love" Would you like a compliment?

3. Please don't measure with ruler, don't measure with measure, my sincere friendship, please use your heart to feel, no matter where you go in the future, please take my blessing with you!
4. Blessing is snow, missing is a flower, into a snowflake, floating in front of you. Snowflakes flying, is my fireworks for you, I wish you in this winter, warm body, happy days!
5. Snow is romantic, take my free and easy blessing, snow is elegant, take away your helpless pain, snow is crystal clear, illuminate your way forward, snow is warm, melt my sincere miss. Happy snowstorm!
6. Day by day, winter comes day by day, the weather becomes colder, friendship deepens day by day, greetings and blessings are continuous. May the cold winter, let the friendship warm your body, let the missing turn into your delicious food, let the contact happy your mood, let the care accompany you as you wish.
7. Not afraid of thousands of beautiful women, afraid of beautiful women to discharge: eyes dark send called micro electricity, eyes hot high voltage. Love at first sight is called calling, while loving each other is called electrifying. Love is like a battery. I hope you can always charge and have electricity every day!
8. In winter, the wind will blow, the rain will float, and the cold will invade. My friend, let me send you a greeting message and light a fire to warm you. I wish you take good care of yourself, be healthy and happy!
9. It is a kind of safety to have friends, a kind of strength to encourage them, a kind of encouragement to have friends, and a kind of happiness to have friends to miss. I wish you happy every second, every day and every year!
10. The first time I see you, my heart is like the sunshine in winter. I have a kind of warm excitement. My life without you is like a room without heating. I hope you can understand my heart.